
Tips Diluent
Price &euro 7,69

It levels the tip to the natural nail.
New size. Maximum rentability.
Confortable format, with handle.
Measures: 100 ml.

Coloured Acrylic-powder
Price &euro 10,25

Semipermanent nails decoration and three-dimensional.
Colours: 18 colours.
Basics: red, yellow, green, white, blue, orange, brown and black.
Sparkling: electric blue, deep blue, clear blue, pink, fuchsia, red, orange, white, clear white, yellow.
Capacity: 9 ml.

Kit Acrylic with tip
Price &euro 136,69

Kit composed by: Orange stick. -Artificial nail prep15 ml. -Thuya
brush n.O. -Thuya brush n.l O.

Kit gel wood without lamp
Price &euro 145,23

Kit composed by: Gel 1with primer 15 ml. -Gel 215 ml - Nail
glue 3gr. - Finish gel 100 ml. TIps cutter. -TIps diluter 100ml. Gel
brush.-Blue podded file. -Pink podded file. -Special sensitive

Acrylic liquid without SPF 125ml
Price &euro 25,63

Catalysing liquid for acrylic nails.   
Measures: 125 ml

Ref.  011301004

Gel Wood White 35ml
Price &euro 30,75

Gel 1 + Primer: It builds and fixes the gel nails.
Gel 2: It adds shine and it reduces filing time in gel nails.
Measures: 35 ml

Artificial Nail Remover
Price &euro 11,96

It removes acrylic and gel easily reducing to the maximum the aggression to the natural nail.
New size. Maximum rentability.
Confortable format, with handle.
Measures: 100 ml.